This is a bit of public health warning if anything. Searching online for more information on the topic just brings up an abundant amount of people pulling tap worms out of their rear ends. The thing they're all doing you might ask? 

A lot of weird things seem to happen in China. Lets assume it's because there's so many people there. The people of china we're interested in today are those eating raw beef. A surprising amount become infected with parasites — 20-foot-long tapeworms — Growing upto 59 feet. 

Tapeworms are common worldwide. Ethiopia, a country where people like to eat raw meat, has one of the highest rates of infection from beef tapeworm. Beef tapeworms are rare in the United States, apparently. Risk it if you dare.

Am I infected?

I know what you're thinking. I like my steak rare, really rare. How do I know if I've got a little fella inside me? According to the internet be on the look out for stomach pain, vomiting, losss of appetite, weakness and was weight loss. The weight loss can happen fast too. You'll likely find fragments in your stool if you're infected. Tapeworms can live for years in a person's intestines and cause no symptoms, or only mild ones, such as fullness or nausea after eating. It takes a long time for tapeworms to grow as long as 20 ft but they do live a long time. An adult tapeworm can produce eggs and tapeworm segments that are shed from the body in poo, according to the CDC. Three months after expelling the tapeworm, you should fee better. Your appetite and weight will return to normal.