Naomi the Shetland Pony

Isaac Cluley, 23, filmed himself f%*king a Shetland pony. Then lent his phone to a friend on a night out and landed him for the second time in court for sexually abusing a horse. He pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing to 'sexual penetration of a living animal' last August, with a different horse - for this he was given a community order. 

Imagine facing charges of 'having sex with a horse'. 

Isaac told the courts: "I want help with my mental health, it's why I've been drinking more lately."  To be honest, it sounds a little weak. I think we all want some help with our mental health but we don't go around sticking our parts in a horse. Just don't do it.


The horse's owner attended court to read a personal impact statement. 

She said she brought Naomi into the family ten years ago as a companion for her 5 year-old-son, the two had grown up together since. She knew Naomi had been frightened by something because she noticed a change in her behaviour. Naomi grew unusually fearful and nervous, she started acting threateningly towards her teenage son, as if to kick him. At this point Naomi's owner is sobbing with emotion as she spoke of the distress caused to her family and the expense of having to install a CCTV field camera to watch her loved ones grazing.

Naomi is now locked away in her stable overnight, when she was used to being outdoors because the rape is thought to have happened in the early hours. 

She told the judge: "The fact someone was walking around and prepared to rape an animal on more than one occasion (because of the previous conviction) concerns me greatly." She then says she wonders how many times poor Naomi had been raped by Isaac.

After the hearing she said: "Naomi was such a sweetie, so trusting, but is now wary and defensive. "When she becomes scared and fearful - even by something normal like having a rug put on - it reminds me of what happened. "If it was down to me he would be in custody now. 

"I can't forgive what he did to a harmless animal, I've not heard anything to explain why he's done it and he's shown no remorse." Let's be honest, he fancied shagging a horse, so he did. It's quite insulting to anyone with learning difficulties or mental health problems to suggest this man needs help with them. 

Isaac Cluley really loves horses

I know what you're thinking, has he gone to prison? The short answer is, NO. He does have to attend a sex offender programme and pay the pony's owner £350 in compensation. If he's had a few goes on that horse it might still be some kind of sick value for money.

He'll also be on a sex offender register for five years. The funniest part is that he has an order forbidding him to enter a field, paddock or any animal enclosure where there is livestock, when he is on his own. 
He's also not allowed to work with animals and there's probably some loop holes he can work around that too. 

The long and short of it is this; if you want to shag a horse you basically can. Your name will be all over local papers and everyone will know you like doing it but you just say you need help and you'll be ok.
But, please - think of poor Naomi the Pony.

*Name of the Pony is made up to protect her identity. Some horses were evidently hurt for the information in this story.