Today's lite read might divide's opinions like a knife cuts cake. Which side will you be on? Inappropriate behaviour from a woman who should know better or body pride and freedom to take the piss out of yourself?

I found this article in news paper and I'm going to shorten the story and just keep the valid points for you.

A mother claims that her own cleavage "stole the spotlight" from her son's birthday party - but at the same time refuses to let the people branding her dress as indecent put her off "showing a bit of boob".

This is a (lite) story about 37 year old Raquel Dicuru, from Kent. She was throwing a birthday party for her 7 year old son, let's call him, Alex in June 22. Her sister-in-law was filming her lighting the candles on the birthday cake. 

Apparently Raquel watched the video back and she realised her boobs were hanging out of her purple sundress - in front of all the innocent children - and probably plenty of (previously) very bored dads.

So this 37 year old woman, aware and "very concerned" that her boobs were out, apparently couldn't resist sharing the clip on TikTok, captioning it "When you didn't realise your boobies were stealing the spotlight at your son's birthday party until you saw pics and vid later that evening!"

This clip then went on to score more than 1,000,000 views and has provoked insults from many viewers, with some claiming that Raquel was trying to "find a man" and branding her "indecent". Plenty of women indirectly insinuating that she was looking to steal a man.

In later follow-up videos responding to the barrage of hateful comments, Raquel told her critics to get a life and posed up in the dress again to push for an explanation about why her outfit was "offensive".
She says that nobody noticed anything unusual about her dress until she received video footage from the party later that night.

Raquel said: "My sister-in-law was the one who filmed the video. She didn't even notice until she sent me the video and I said 'Oh my god! My boobies are right there!'.

"I think it's mostly down to the angle of the video. She was filming from above and I was crouching down a little bit.

"We were all just living in the moment and singing happy birthday to my son. So I just thought it was funny that we were all unaware." What she said here all seems innocent enough. You horrible internet trolls!

Then she said this: 
"I posted it online because I thought it was funny and got a shock when I saw the reaction." 
which is a little harder to swallow as truth for many viewers. You probably know what you're doing when you post a video with your bits and pieces out. 
"Some of the people said my caption was drawing attention to my boobs. But that's why it was funny."  
...Boobs are funny when you come of a water slide and you lose you bikini or you bob your kid on the head with a giant boob and he falls over. Whether this kind of boob display is funny or not has divided opinions.  

Raquel said that the majority of comments were people getting upset about the video. She had uploaded many videos previously about eco-living and littler picking and complained that "Of all the videos I've posted - which I would love to go viral - it was this that did."

It's only fair to give Raquel a chance to speak about this, your opinions might change after you hear what she has to say in return to the 'haters':

"The main issue seemed to be that I was being 'indecent' for wearing that type of dress and that I was posting the video for attention. They were questioning what sort of person I was, if I was looking for a husband. I'm happily married and not looking for anybody. I had to start deleting the nasty comments because they were getting really nasty."

There were accusations that Raquel was thirsty for attention.

"Men were commenting stuff like 'Women know what they're doing' and 'Women always do this for attention'. It was as if I was being blamed for having something on show."

"It just sounds like they've had bad experiences with women and they're putting me into this category of 'She wants the dads to look at her, she just wants attention'. They were saying I was making it all about me rather than my son. Someone said the fact I posted the video was 'sick'."

''It's just weird - why are people so angry? They're just boobs. Of course, people create a story in the head about what went on behind the scenes with the video. I don't mind too much - these people don't know me. If they knew me, they'd know I'm not like that."

Raquel said: "Deep down, the harsh comments did make me question what I wear. But then I thought 'No, they're the ones who have a problem with it'. It's funny how people are angry at skin. Half of the world has boobs - I don't know why it's so taboo."

"It was a hot day at the start of June. I was wearing something comfortable for a picnic in the park."

Despite the criticism, Raquel says she is determined to not let the trolls get to her.

Raquel said: "This hasn't put me off wearing the sundress. I'm not indecent - I like to dress nice for the body that I have. Nobody should be shaming me or anybody else for what we wear or what we want to show."

"I'm just showing a bit of boob or a bit of a leg. It's hot - I don't have to cover up so that other people can be comfortable."

Many commenters didn't hold back in their critiques of Raquel's party outfit, one wrote: "The fact you highlighted this is sick.", whilst another commented: "Yeah right, everything about you screams 'Look at me'." 

Another said: "Why would you even wear that to a kid's birthday party?", as a fellow critic remarked: "Women ALWAYS know when they're hanging out."

One TikTok user commented: "Not smart enough to wear something at a kid's party. She must be looking for a single dad."

Some commenters came to Raquel's defence.

One wrote: "Sorry, don't see anything wrong. If you go to the beach, you see a lot more flesh," whilst another said: "Why is everyone hating…it's just a basic sundress?"

One supportive commenter wrote: "Wow, some of these comments. It's a funny situation, folks. Life happens and they are just boobs. Laugh a little."