It’s your balls’ time to shine. 

At some point in your travels, you’ll come across a sight that’s so beautiful, it takes your breath away. In those moments there’s only one thing to do. Take a photo. With your balls out.

Nutscaping is a photo-taking trend which involves dropping your trousers, whipping out some testicles (yours, if you have them), and gently hovering above the camera so your balls hang down like a majestic moon in the sky. is a website dedicated to capturing the phenomenon, and has even shared a handy guide on how it’s done:

How to Nutscape

1. Find yourself somewhere awesome

2. Turn your back to the awesome scene

3. Drop your pants

4. Bend over and shoot Nutscape through your legs

Diagrams are to come, in case you need some help perfecting the technique, and there are a few rules. Like no dick tips. Just interested in the balls, here.

people are taking photos of their balls in front of beautiful locations. Lone testicles overlook some rocks. (Picture:

The creators of nutscapes also have a few pointers (not a double entendre. Again, balls. Not penises) to offer, advising loose clothing for easy whipping out, and the use of a friend when needed.

The trend first appeared back in 2007, but is seeing a resurgence in popularity. Because, balls.

It’s art, really.

This one’s quite soothing, if you ignore the pubes. (Picture:


And people are willing to brave chilly temperatures...Such bravery. 


…and terrifying heights in order to capture the perfect nutscape. Good composition on this one. (Picture:


It’s a new take on freeballing. Balls on the beach. 


That allows your balls to take in nature and the beauty of the world around them. Balls in the mountains.  

Balls deserve a break, too. Balls at large.


And their time in the limelight. Because dick picks are so passé. Balls gone wild. (Picture:


And really, if you’re not dangling your bits in front of some cliffs at sunset, we’re just not interested.

balls overlooking some cliffs. 

Balls. (Picture:

Head over to Nutscapes if you fancy some more nutspiration, or fancy submitting your own.